Your Guide to LOLER
Book a LOLER Inspection
LOLER is a vital piece of legislation that maintains the safety of employees and the general public, and the consequences of not doing so are extreme. We are experts in L.O.L.E.R Inspections and testing. We can help provide a thorough tail lift LOLER inspection and testing service throughout the North West in areas such as Liverpool, Manchester, Birkenhead, Warrington, Southport, Merseyside, and the Wirral. To book an inspection, or if you want to know more about the regulations and how they affect you, please contact us to speak to a specialist.
The Lifting Operations & Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
Health and safety are one of the most important factors for businesses to consider, especially in workplaces that handle heavy materials and dangerous substances. To keep everyone safe, working environments and practices are fully regulated by the government and professional bodies. Even for experienced professionals, the rules of what you should and should not do can be complex and overwhelming at times. To help explain what lifting operators should know, we've created an in-depth guide on LOLER, covering everything from what the regulations are to the requirement of LOLER inspections.
What is LOLER?
You may not already know about LOLER and what it means to you. However, if you work in an industry that involves heavy lifting, it’s vitally important to understand what the regulations mean. LOLER stands for the Lifting Operations Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, a series of regulations created under the Health and Safety at Work Act. The UK government implemented the regulations to combat the risk of injury in the workplace for roles involving lifting equipment. Any job that requires equipment to lift or lower objects is defined under these regulations, and it includes any attachments used to anchor, fix or support the equipment.
If you are an employer or self-employed providing lifting equipment at work or have control of the use of lifting equipment, it is your legal obligation to maintain said equipment. The Lifting Operations Equipment Regulations will apply to you. For instance, if your vehicle has a tail lift for handling goods, then you must ensure the lift is up to standards. The regulations list several requirements that must be achieved, which are examined through regular LOLER inspections. Ultimately, it aims to ensure that equipment is maintained and safe to use and that trained employees suitably operate the equipment.
We do not only carry out inspections and testing on tail lifts. We also cover any piece of operating equipment that is required to comply with the LOLER regulations. Don’t hesitate to contact us for further details. We are based in Liverpool but serve the North West as far as Manchester.
What Methods of Lifting Fall Under LOLER?
There are several types of lifting and manual handling equipment that may be bound by the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations. Whether you own lifting equipment or are loaning it, if the equipment is used on business premises, then L.O.L.E.R will apply. This means that the equipment should have received a LOLER inspection within the specified timeframe and be marked with a Safe Working Load. Equipment may be used to lift people or heavy materials. For example, scaffolding businesses, such as Intelligent Scaffolding, a Liverpool scaffolding company, use platforms to allow people to safely work at height. Equipment should only be used for the purpose it was designed for. For instance, if a lift is not intended to carry a person, this should be marked and avoided. Similarly, the equipment should not hold materials that are too heavy.
There are other types of unconventional lifting methods that fall under the regulations, such as vacuum lifting. Vacuum lifting uses a vacuum pump and hose to lift and move loads. If the object has a flat or smooth surface, the vacuum's suction pads will latch on and allow the item to be moved. The key hazard with this type of lifting is the potential for loads to detach and fall on a person. Vacuum lifting equipment and its attachments are regulated to prevent the risk of workplace accidents. Another type of lifting method is magnetic technology. Magnetic lifting devices use a single magnet or a group of magnets to pick up and transport materials, such as steel and components. Again, the biggest risk is that the materials may detach and land on a person. Magnetic lifting devices are considered lifting equipment and are therefore regulated by L.O.L.E.R.
At P. Airey Tail Lifts, we specialise in commercial vehicles that are used for heavy lifting purposes. If a vehicle is used in the workplace and has tools that allow it to be used for lifting jobs, then typically, it would be regulated by LOLER. Below is a short summary list of some of the types of vehicles that may be required to follow the regulations and receive regular inspections.
- Commercial transport vehicles with tail lifts
- Forklift trucks
- Pallet trucks
- Cranes
- Recovery vehicles
This is not a definitive list of the vehicles, lifting equipment or methods affected by LOLER but simply a brief summary of the most popular types. For more information, please get in touch, and one of our specialists will be able to advise you further.
How Does LOLER Affect Other Industries?
Our expertise of LOLER mainly involves commercial trucks used for various purposes, such as waste disposal and the transportation of goods, but we are fully up-to-date on the regulations as a whole and can assist with any tail lift inspection on a case-by-case basis. While LOLER can practically apply to any workplace, there are some industries where the rules are more prevalent. As we have briefly explained, the regulations are particularly important for transporting goods from warehouses to retail stores and customer addresses. In an example such as this, lifting equipment such as tail lifts is used to lift goods in and out of a vehicle. Similarly, tail lifts can help load and unload bins when disposing of waste with a bin lorry.
Another key industry that is regulated is the construction sector. Construction work can be extremely dangerous no matter the size of the job. These working environments pose significant health and safety hazards to employees, site visitors and the general public. The construction industry typically involves several lifting operations involving cranes, forklifts, scaffolding platforms etc. The forestry, agriculture and arboriculture sectors are also affected. When moving and processing trees, vehicles with specialised lifting equipment may be used. Agriculture uses various equipment to cultivate the soil, grow crops and raise livestock. Work involving arboriculture will often see people climb into trees, therefore safe and adequate equipment is needed to lift and support them.

Does LOLER Affect Me and My Business?
If you are providing lifting equipment for work purposes and you operate in the UK, then LOLER affects you. Likewise, the regulations also affect you if your responsibilities include using the lifting equipment. Whether you are an employer or employee, the regulations are in place to ensure equipment is used safely. Your responsibility and liability should an accident occur depend on your position within the business. Ultimately, you should go above and beyond to make sure that equipment is of the standards expected and being used correctly.
There is no specific industry where the regulations apply. Nor is there a certain type of lifting task that the regulations are restricted to. Whatever equipment you use, if a work task involves lifting and lowering loads, it will apply to you. In our particular expertise, L.O.L.E.R applies to tail lifts. A tail lift is installed on the back of a vehicle to help workers load and unload whatever is stored inside the vehicle. It functions by lowering and elevating heavy loads for easy transporting to and from the vehicle. It's important that tail lifts receive regular LOLER inspections to check that they remain at the legal standard. Get in touch today to learn more about how we can provide inspections across Liverpool, Manchester, Warrington and other key North West locations.
Are Any Industries Excluded?
Generally, these regulations apply in most industries where lifting equipment is used to move heavy loads from place to place. The regulations only concern lifting equipment that is used for work. There are a few industries where LOLER may not necessarily apply. For instance, according to the Health Safety Executive, lifting equipment used on ships is 'generally excluded'. This exclusion is because other provisions are in place to ensure the safe use of equipment. There is a memorandum of understanding between the HSE, Maritime and Coastguard Agency, and Marine Accident Investigation Branch. This agreement ensures coordination between all parties concerning enforcement matters, including the improper use of lifting equipment. On a general note, the regulations usually don't apply if more specific legislation is in place that covers the sector or type of equipment.
Please remember that the information mentioned in this guide is for general guidance only. The law can be very complex when it comes to health and safety. To fully understand which regulations will apply to your individual scenario, please speak to a specialist.
Does Public Equipment Need to Follow Loler?
You might think every piece of lifting equipment must follow L.O.L.E.R, but this is not the case. The regulations make it clear that only equipment used at work falls under the jurisdiction of LOLER. While equipment like escalators, conveyor systems and moving walkways involves transporting people in public places, the regulations don't apply here as it is not a workplace environment. Other examples include lifts at shopping centres and stairlifts in private homes. With all that said, public lifting equipment does come with health risks, and you should still take steps to prevent accidents, including some of the actions listed under L.O.L.E.R. Equipment for public use will also be regulated by other Health & Safety laws, which businesses should be aware of.
LOLER for Medical Hoists
The care and medical industry is another example of a sector that could be affected by LOLER and one where health and safety is more important than ever. Medical facilities often use specialist equipment like lifting hoists to lift and transport patients, such as from beds to gurneys. Given the vulnerable state of the patient, it's critical that they are transported safely. An accident that occurs can lead to severe injuries or fatalities. Therefore, lifting hoists and their attachments, such as slings, must follow LOLER, including undergoing regular inspections.
A Liverpool nursing home has previously been found guilty of breaching LOLER. The HSE found that the nursing home failed to regularly check sling equipment used to lift an elderly woman. The 81-year-old fell while being lifted, resulting in back and elbow injuries and a broken shoulder. She sadly died the following day after being taken to the Royal Liverpool University Hospital. The nursing home was fined £18,000 following the accident, plus ordered to pay costs of £13,876.
How Often Should You Undertake a LOLER Inspection?
The issue of whether a business meets the standards required is determined by regular tail lift inspections and testing. Equipment deteriorates over time, and personnel and procedures can often change, so a one-off inspection is inadequate. The frequency of a L.O.L.E.R examination varies depending on certain criteria. At a minimum, equipment for lifting/lowering persons and accessories should be tested every six months. Any other equipment should be tested at least every 12 months. The times may also differ should a competent person provide a different time scale. Equipment should always be inspected before it is first used and following significant repairs or component replacements. Performing a LOLER inspection is a legal requirement, and it should only be carried out by a competent person. Based in Liverpool, our North West inspectors will examine your equipment and ensure you comply with the law.
What’s Involved in Planning a Lifting Operation?
As part of the regulations, the planning and organising of a lifting operation should be considered before the operation takes place. Due to the nature of a heavy lifting operation, improper planning can lead to serious injury and financial damage. A lifting operation should be planned by a competent person to ensure that it results in a safe and successful execution Operation should be planned based on a case-by-case basis, although minor operations performed regularly may require minimal planning.
When planning for a complex lifting operation, you should complete a thorough document that addresses any risks associated with the operation. This can include attaching/detaching loads, visibility, proximity hazards, risks of overturning and overloading, working under suspended loads, and more. You should identify how the risks will be controlled and who will be responsible for each element. The risk assessment should also detail the strength and stability of the equipment, how the equipment is installed and positioned, and whether direct supervision is required. Accidents that occur as a result of a lack of adequate planning may lead you to be responsible and liable for prosecution.
What Markings Do Lifting Equipment Require?
Ensuring the safety of workers is not just about making sure that equipment is in good working condition or that it is used properly. The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations clarify that equipment should be distinctly marked with vital information. In particular, equipment must be marked with the Safe Working Loads (SWL). The safe working load is the weight capacity limit at which the equipment can safely handle loads. If lifting equipment exceeds this limit, it risks breaking and causing an accident. Accessories must also be marked with a safe working load, and if any attributes can affect its safe use, such as the significant weight of parts, they should be stated. If the equipment features different configurations, such as multiple operational positions, the SWL should be shown for each configuration.
The danger is even greater if a lifting operation involves the lifting of people. If equipment is intended to lift people, there should be markings that indicate the maximum number of people that can be lifted at one time. Some equipment may not be suitable for lifting people, but there could be a scenario where it is used incorrectly. If this is the case, there should be a marking which indicates that the equipment cannot be used to lift people under any circumstances.
If there is a suitable reason why it isn't possible to mark lifting equipment, other suitable methods can be considered, such as 'surrogate marking'. While not a requirement under LOLER, usage instructions and other critical health & safety can help maintain safety and prevent accidents.
Who Is Deemed to Be a 'Competent Person'?
Under the regulations, there are several instances where a 'competent person' is referred to. This can include the workers who perform a lifting operation and the inspectors who will examine the lifting equipment and procedures to ensure that the regulations are correctly adhered to. Depending on the scale of a lifting operation, there may be numerous people involved. This involves planning, organising and undertaking the operation. At every stage, a competent person should be involved. Their level of competence will be determined by their individual skills, training, knowledge and experience. It all boils down to whether the person has the expertise required to safely and correctly do their duty with executing the specific operation. When performing the operation, the person using the lifting equipment is one of the most important roles to consider as their direct actions can cause the operation to go wrong. In referring to the earlier point, operators should possess the necessary skills, training and experience, particularly for the specific operation that is planned. If they haven't been trained to use a forklift truck, for example, they should not yet be deemed to be competent for an operation involving the use of a forklift truck.
When it comes to LOLER inspections and testing, the frequency of the examination is first of all determined by a competent person. The competent person should then perform their duties as an inspector, carrying out a thorough and detailed examination and using their judgement to determine the scope of each inspection. An inspector should use good judgement and professional experience to calculate what is inspected and when. It is their responsibility as an inspector to make sure that the use of lifting equipment in the workplace is being correctly regulated, ensuring that accidents as a result of deteriorating equipment or incorrect usage are prevented. In this instance, a competent person means that the inspector should have adequate experience and knowledge, which enables them to understand what they should look out for when carrying out a tail lift inspection. It should be in their capability to identify any defects or weaknesses that could potentially fall foul of L.O.L.E.R. It is not required that the inspector works for another company as long as they are sufficiently independent and impartial, as per the Health and Safety Executive. We are a company based in Liverpool that offers competent personnel to inspect equipment across the North, including Manchester.
What Records Should be Kept?
Several records should be detained under L.O.L.E.R. These records are vital for documenting the inspections of heavy lifting equipment and ensuring equipment is safe to use and maintained to the required standard.
One document that should be retained is a Thorough Examination Report. This report is provided by a competent inspector following a tail lift inspection. The report will assess whether the regulations are being complied with and outline any equipment defects and further steps that may be required.
Another document to keep hold of is an EC Declaration of Conformity. This is a written statement that confirms the equipment meets safety requirements and is safe to use. Finally, you should keep records of any inspections or tests that may take place in between an inspection. While LOLER examinations are required every 6-12 months, in between this period, there may be additional inspection requirements as outlined by the equipment's manufacturer or your organisation.
What Does a LOLER Inspection Include?



The Key Regulations
LOLER is a complex piece of legalisation introduced by the UK government in 1998. The complete legalisation includes 17 formal regulations, which can be found on the official government website here. Below is a list of some of the key regulations that you should be aware of.
- 4) Strength and stability
- 5) Lifting equipment for lifting persons
- 6) Positioning and installation
- 7) Marking of lifting equipment
- 8) Organisation of lifting operations
- 9) Thorough examination and inspection
- 10) Reports and defects
- 11) Keeping of information
What Is the Difference Between Testing & Inspections?
LOLER testing and inspections can be used interchangeably and may be referred to as the same thing. However, there is a slight difference between the two services depending on the actions carried out and when. Generally speaking, testing refers to thoroughly testing lifting equipment per the regulations. A test should confirm that the equipment works as intended. LOLER tests should be performed before the equipment is put into service, after installation, and after any substantial scenarios such as an accident or periods of no use.
The term inspection is broader than a test and includes much more detail. A test should be included as part of an inspection. Inspections should also examine how the equipment is operated by staff. An examination is carried out by a competent and qualified person, someone who should be unbias, and a certificate will be awarded to confirm whether or not the tail lift inspection has passed. L.O.L.E.R inspections occur at regular intervals, usually between 6 and 12 months, a legal requirement.
What Does the Process of a LOLER Test Involve?
When you choose P. Airey Tail Lifts for your LOLER inspection needs, you can rest assured that we will help you comply with the regulations to the best of our ability. We know the ins and outs of the legal requirements, starting with the need for regular inspections. Our team is experienced in supporting businesses far and wide, from Liverpool and Manchester to Warrington and other areas in the North West.
We know how important it is for our customers to keep on top of their inspection schedule, which is why we keep track ourselves. The process of an inspection, first and foremost, starts with knowing when an inspection is due. We will notify customers when an inspection is due and then work with them to book an inspection date and time that is suitable for them.
When an inspection has been pencilled in, our team of specialists will arrive at the pre-arranged time. Under the requirements, we will only send an inspector that meets the 'competent person' criteria. The inspector will then perform a thorough LOLER examination of the lifting equipment, such as putting a lift through its functions to identify if anything is wrong. We will then remove the covers to do an in-depth check on all moving parts and examine the overall condition of the equipment and electrics. Finally, we will lubricate the lift before cleaning it down.
After an equipment inspection, we will then write out a L.O.L.E.R certificate that certifies that a regular inspection has been completed. The certificate will include a description of any faults we have found and whether they require fixing immediately, within one month or by the next inspection date. We will also provide the equipment with a sticker that states the date of the inspection and when it expires.
When May Examinations Be Needed Outside of a L.O.L.E.R Inspection?
While an inspection is required at scheduled intervals, such as 6 or 12 months, the regulations clarify that there are other times when a thorough examination should be performed. Whether it is a scheduled LOLER inspection or not, examinations are there to test that the lifting equipment and accessories work as intended and are safe to use. If any issues or defects are detected, then they should be fixed before the equipment is next used.
Outside of regular inspections, equipment must be examined before it is first used. An examination should also take place following installation or reassembly at another site. Wear and tear can be one of the biggest dangers for equipment, so it should be examined following a situation that can cause significant deterioration. Other situations where an examination is required include after essential repairs/replacements and if the equipment is unused for long periods.
What Happens When Faulty Equipment Is Detected?
Regular testing isn't just a formality to ensure you tick a few legal requirements. It helps to identify defects and areas of concern, preventing accidents and issues before they arise. Equipment naturally deteriorates over time and will eventually require repair. Equipment that doesn't work as intended can be a serious health and safety risk. Therefore, it's essential to regularly examine equipment alongside keeping to a LOLER schedule.
If a defect is identified in equipment, the responsible people should be notified immediately. The equipment should be removed and restricted from being used until it has been fixed and re-examined. Even if the equipment is repaired right away, detection of a defect should still be documented in a written report. A copy of this report should also be sent to the relevant enforcing authority who may follow up to check that risks are being managed.
Consequences of Avoiding an Inspection
Failing to carry out regular LOLER inspections can lead to severe consequences. The regulations are in place to ensure the health and safety of everyone, including the general public. If you don’t take the necessary steps to thoroughly examine the use of heavy lifting equipment at your workplace, you can be held responsible should a serious injury occur. Breaching the regulations can lead to heavy fines, which can damage your business and hurt your reputation. In more serious cases, it can even lead to imprisonment. Whether you are based in Liverpool, Manchester or another local area, contact us today to ensure you are protected.
Examples of Punishment for LOLER Accidents
L.O.L.E.R was brought in to reduce the risk of workplace accidents by implementing serious punishments for businesses that fail to meet the regulations. As well as dealing with the death or serious injury of a person, businesses face fines and possible imprisonment.
In 2016, a company director was sentenced to jail for 12 months, ordered to pay £4,000 and disqualified from registering as a director for seven years. The director was judged to be responsible for the death of an employee who died when a spider lift overturned. The employee did not receive adequate training, and the employer conducted no risk assessment.
In 2018, a port operating company was fined £300,000 due to an accident that left an employee with serious injuries. The employee was hurt by a load falling and sustained multiple fractures, lacerations, ligament reconstruction, and more injuries, leaving him unable to return to work. In 2019 a large electrical company was fined £334,000 following the death of a crane operator. The business was found to have not provided adequate training to the operator and failed to ensure the lift was properly planned and supervised.
Nearly a decade ago, a factory worker in Glossop had to have part of his leg amputated following an accident. Working on behalf of Russell Fabrications (UK) Limited, a sheet metal contractor, Vincent Sutton was delivering a five-metre long rectangular frame to Delpro Ltd. As employers worked to lift the frame, the chains disconnected from the forklift truck and the 850kg metal frame landed on Mr Sutton's foot. The court found that neither company properly planned for the lifting operation and that the truck and equipment were unsuitable for the job. Russell Fabrications was fined £11,917, and Delpro was fined £12,000, alongside additional fees to cover the case costs.
In April 2019, Chelmsford Magistrates' Court heard a case involving a steel company. An employee of South East Galvanizers had visited PCR Steel Ltd in Essex to pick up a load. The workers did not properly secure the load, and the lifting operation was unplanned, resulting in a fatal accident that sadly crushed the worker. PCR Steel was found guilty of breaching L.O.L.E.R and ordered to pay a fine of £50,000 plus £9,900 fees.
This next accident example involves the Renault Retail Group, a large national network of automotive dealerships across the UK. Between October 2015 and September 2016, the Health and Safety Executive found that vehicle lifts in Coulsdon and West London were defective and dangerous. Despite warnings, Renault did not prevent workers from operating the lifts. While there was no accident and no injuries, Hendon Magistrates' Court found the company guilty and fined them £200,000 and costs of £17,218.
In 2016, GHS Coaches Limited was found guilty of failing to regularly service and maintain equipment. The HSE found that there were over 14 overdue Loler examinations. After pleading guilty and failing to comply with previous legal notices, the firm was fined £250,000.
The construction industry can be one of the most dangerous sectors and an area where regulations are critical. In particular, cranes can be a hazardous type of equipment. In March 2016, Falcon Crane Hire Limited was fined £750,000 following two deaths. Jonathan Cloke lost his life when the crane he was driving collapsed in Battersea in 2006. Michael Alexa, who was changing the wheel of his car at the time, also died when the crane crushed him. An investigation found that the crane was overloaded with 12 tonnes of counterweights instead of eight. The company also failed to investigate why four bolts had failed two months previously.
Make sure you don't fall foul of the LOLER regulations. Get a tail lift inspection today from our Liverpool company and avoid a costly consequence.
What Is the Difference Between LOLER and PUWER?
LOLER and PUWER are both two important pieces of health and safety regulations. However, they are separate from one another. If you run a business, then it's likely that you will have already come across the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER). The key difference is that PUWER applies to all workplace equipment, while L.O.L.E.R only applies to lifting equipment. LOLER is a more specific series of regulations that enforces how lifting equipment is used at work. Like the lifting regulations, PUWER requires that any workplace equipment is suitable for the intended use, safe to use, maintained to a good standard, and used correctly by trained personnel.
No matter what, you must follow both LOLER and PUWER to keep your employees safe and to avoid action from the Health and Safety Executive.
How Can I Learn More About L.O.L.E.R?
We know that the regulations can be difficult to understand, and with so much information to take in, you might find yourself unsure whether you are fully compliant. The Health and Safety Executive has an open learning guidance book which you can download for free, or you can purchase a hard copy. The book provides in-depth information on everything to do with LOLER, covering the regulations and their application to sectors where lifting equipment is used. It will ensure you know how to correctly position and install equipment, keep on top of regular examinations, and track all necessary reports.
Of course, we would also be more than happy to help you out! Should you have any questions about the regulations and your use of lifting equipment, please don't hesitate to contact us. We will offer advice tailored to you and ensure you remain compliant every step.
What Is the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations?
The Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations is a UK legalisation that was brought in to regulate the supply of heavy machinery. Under the regulations, manufacturers are required to make sure that machinery meets health and safety requirements. Machinery can include lifting equipment, forklift trucks, circular saws, and so on. Machinery must also have a technical file and be supplied with comprehensive instructions. Finally, machinery should feature a CE marking or come with a declaration of incorporation. The regulations cover machinery before it is placed on the market for the first time. After this, machinery is regulated by other legislation such as PUWER and LOLER.
Why Choose P. Airey for LOLER Inspections?
By choosing P. Airey for your LOLER inspections, you will be taking the necessary steps to ensure your business is compliant with the regulations. Our engineers are fully qualified to carry out examinations, ensuring that your safety standards are at the highest level. We possess decades of experience and are committed to delivering a professional testing service. We are a Liverpool company that offers mobile coverage and can perform a tail lift inspection anywhere in the North West and North Wales, including Manchester.
Would you like to receive more information or wish to book a LOLER inspection? Get in touch with us today.
If your business involves operating a pallet truck, please visit our page on pallet truck LOLER inspections.
LOLER Inspections Near Me
Are you looking for LOLER inspections near you? Then you've come to the right place! As a leading North West specialist in tail lifts and LOLER inspections, we're delighted to offer commercial customers a range of repair and testing services up and down the region. We can help you with a thorough tail lift inspection service in the North West. We work on a mobile basis which means we can simply turn up in our fully kitted out van and provide a premium L.O.L.E.R inspection near you. Our key locations include Liverpool, Manchester, the Wirral, Warrington, Birkenhead, and Southport.
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No matter where your business is based or what service you require, we are happy to offer a no-obligation quote. Please contact us on one of the options below to get your FREE quote.
Swift and professional customer service when Colin came to service and inspect a work van tail lift. Will definitely use them again. 5*
- Jay Newby
Service always top notch, thanks guys
- Mark
Outstanding Service! I have dealt with various tail lift companies and these are by far the best. Fast response and put my convenience first. The engineer also was very professional and got the lift repaired in a matter of minutes.
- Paul
Looked after our small fleets HGV tail lift servicing and loler inspections for over a year now and I really can’t recommend them enough, Professional service, Exceptional knowledge, today went above and beyond to get to, and repair one of our vehicles within an hour…..Superb.
- Ant O